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Bandage Application Instructions for Horses

Here, our San Joaquin Valley veterinarians outline basic instructions for bandage application to a horse's lower limb, hoofs, knees and more. 

Lower Limb Bandage Application

Basic instructions for lower limn bandage application are outlined in the video and below.

  1. Place Telfa pad or other topical medication or ointment as prescribed by your veterinarian over the wound (if present) and secure in place with soft white roll gauze.
  2. Place large white combine padding over the wrap.
  3. Secure in place with brown gauze - this can be applied snugly (make sure that there is still some white bandage sticking out the top and bottom).
  4. Apply vet wrap in the same direction as the brown gauze.
  5. Secure the top and bottom with Elastikon (sticky beige bandage).

Hoof Bandage Application

Basic instructions for application of a hoof bandage are outlined below and in the video.  There are two different methods of applying hoof bandages in this video (the 2nd begins at 3:45).

Hoof Bandage 1

  1. Thoroughly clean the bottom of the hoof
  2. Apply medication if directed by your veterinarian
  3. Use white gauze then cotton wrap or diaper to cover hoof and secure in place with brown gauze
  4. Wrap entire hoof with vetrap (be sure to not apply directly to hair), trim excess cotton
  5. Secure top with Elastikon
  6. Apply pre-made duct tape patch to bottom of hoof

Hoof Bandage 2 (3:45) 

  1. Thoroughly clean the bottom of the hoof
  2. Apply medication if directed by your veterinarian
  3. Use cotton or diaper to cover hoof and secure in place with vetrap (do not apply directly to hair on front of coronary band)
  4. Secure top with Elastikon
  5. Apply duct tape patch to bottom of hoof

Hock Bandage Application

Hock bandage application.  Basic instructions are outlined in the video and below.

  1. Apply Telfa or other ointment/medication as prescribed by your veterinarian.
  2. Secure in place with soft roll gauze - cast padding works well.  Be sure to adequately pad the back of the leg above the point of the hock (calcaneal tendon).
  3. Apply Elastikon (sticky beige bandage) - start one full roll above the top of the gauze and avoid the point of the hock.  Do not apply too tightly.

Knee (Carpus) Bandage Application

Basic instructions are outlined in the video and below.

  1. Place Telfa or other medication/ointment on the wound.
  2. Secure in place with white roll gauze - be sure to adequately pad.
  3. Secure in place with Elastikon (sticky beige bandage) start one full roll above the gauze and avoid the accessory carpal bone (bone in the back of the knee).  Do not apply too tightly.

Need assistance with bandage application for your horse? Contact Pacific Crest Equine to schedule a visit from one of our experienced equine vets. 

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