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Equine Tips & Advice

Our San Joaquin Valley veterinarians share helpful tips and advice to help you keep your horse healthy and happy.

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Bandage Application Instructions for Horses

Bandage Application Instructions for Horses

Here, our San Joaquin Valley veterinarians outline basic instructions for bandage application to a horse's lower limb, hoofs, knees and more. 

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Symptoms of Equine Influenza & How It's Treated

Symptoms of Equine Influenza & How It's Treated

Equine influenza is a highly contagious upper respiratory infection that can result in secondary infections, especially in foals. Here, our San Joaquin Valley vets explain the symptoms to watch for and how equine influenza is treated. 

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Importance Of Caring For Your Horse's Teeth

Importance Of Caring For Your Horse's Teeth

Your horse's oral health is an important part of caring for their overall health and performance. Today our San Joaquin Valley vets share some important reasons why you should have your horse's teeth examined regularly.

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Coggins Testing & Equine Infectious Anemia

Coggins Testing & Equine Infectious Anemia

Coggins tests are an essential part of your horse's annual preventive care especially if your horse will be traveling or around other horses. Our San Joaquin Valley vets share some facts about why Coggins testing is important. 

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New Patients Welcome

Pacific Crest Equine is accepting new patients! Our experienced vets are passionate about the health of San Joaquin Valley horses. Get in touch today to book your horse's first appointment.

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